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A Decade of Doc

This week we celebrate another milestone at Lingwood Security Management with the tenth work anniversary of our General Manager Thomas Docherty, or Doc as he is affectionately known to us.

Doc joined the business in 2006 whilst on leave from the army and went on to take a key role in the expansion of our security business across the UK. His military background made him ideally suited to the role, as here at Lingwood Security Management we place heavy emphasis on the values and discipline of the UK forces.

We decided to ask Doc a few questions about his time with us. His responses make for very interesting reading:

Over to you Doc:

How did you first get involved with Lingwood Security Management?

I was on gardening leave from the Army and needed to fill a few months before I went abroad to work. I approached Lingwood Security to see if there were any vacancies. The rest is history and I never went abroad to work.

What was your first impression of Lingwood Security Management?

It was very good, I liked the fact everybody just got on with it. The work hard, play hard ethic very quickly made me feel like a member of the family. Lingwood Security reminded me a lot of the job I was leaving.

What’s your first memory of working at Lingwood Security Management?

The first Friday I worked there at the end of the day we all went to the pub. I liked that!

What has surprised you most about working at Lingwood Security Management?

How much I have enjoyed it. I like winning contracts and giving the client the best possible service within the constraints of the budget.

What do you find most challenging about your work?

The constraints of the budget; clients seem to think security is about a bum on a seat, there is so much more goes into it and it gets frustrating. Everybody’s an expert until it goes wrong, then they ask us to sort it. On the plus side, that’s why we get so much repeat business – we do sort it.

What’s the best/worst thing to happen since you started working at Lingwood Security Management?

Interesting question as so many things have happened. I suppose the best is winning contracts as that secures people’s jobs, so the worst would be not winning the contract.

If you could change one thing about Lingwood Security Management what would it be?

Nothing. Over the years we have all worked hard to grow the business, we have made mistakes and learned from them. We are still learning and we are still growing. As long as that doesn’t change there will always be challenges to overcome.

What do you wish other people knew about Lingwood Security Management?

That contrary to popular belief we do care about our staff.

What interesting characters have you worked with at Lingwood Security Management?

I have worked with many men and women in my time here. They have all brought and added something unique to this company and for that I thank them. I won’t name individuals it would probably embarrass them and they know where I live!

What do you think will change at Lingwood Security Management over the next five years, or in the industry as a whole?

I would like to think that the way people view security officers changes. Lots of different skills go into the job and it is an undervalued service. Our staff have to wear lots of different hats, they have to be: diplomats; social workers; enforcers; secretaries; and at times bloody magicians to do everything that we and the client asks of them.

If you weren’t working at Lingwood Security Management, what would you be doing instead, or what would your life be like?

I would be working abroad in security as per my original plan when I left the Army.

How would someone describe you?

Most of the descriptions that have been used in the past couldn’t be printed, but for the most part a dedicated guy who has some old fashioned values.

Anything else you want to tell us?

I am an eternal optimist; Scotland will win the world cup in my lifetime.

The Directors of Lingwood Security would like to thank Doc for ten years of loyal service, hard work and dedication as he has been a key part of the business as we’ve grown and expanded over the previous 20 years.

Although Doc is General Manager he is always willing to get stuck in himself at the grass roots, which is what Lingwood Security is all about. He has a great relationship with all of our staff which is vital to the smooth running of our operations.  The friendships he builds with the staff, whilst still being respected as their manager is refreshing and helps our team stay motivated.

The positivity that comes from Doc and his can do attitude is what makes Lingwood Security the company we are today, with our five star service and the ability to deliver exactly what our clients require.

“Doc has a great sense of humor – (if you can understand him with his broad Scottish accent!) – If I had a pound for every swear word which came out of Doc’s mouth Lingwood Security would be very rich!”

Now that’s enough pats on the back, get back to work!