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Summer Jenkins

Summer Jenkins

General Manager

I am General Manager for Lingwood Security managing the day-to-day operations and managing the business aspects of the company.

My role includes reviewing and ensuring our quality management systems, health and safety and policies and procedures are being implemented across the company.

I am the personal assistant to the Managing Director to ensure his goals and vision for the company are being met and ensuring our team are all working towards these goals.

My main responsibility is to ensure our clients are receiving the services that we aim to provide and ensuring we are consistently winning new work and clients.

How did you first get involved with Lingwood Security Management?

When I finished college, I asked my dad (Alan Snr) if I could help out working at Lingwood Security for experience in the working environment. I started doing the filing and making cups of tea as I was too scared to answer the telephone! I worked alongside Heather and was Heather’s very own assistant. I quickly became one of the team and decided that I wanted a career with Lingwood Security and learn all aspects of the business.

What was your first impression of Lingwood Security Management?

Scary! As I had just come out of college and was young the fast-paced movement of the office did scare me at first, as mentioned I did not dare answer the telephone or talk to visitors! I then realised everyone was so friendly and kind in the office and felt at ease in no time.

What’s your first memory of working at Lingwood Security Management?

Being taught how to make Alan Senior’s perfect coffee by Jo! And having crumpets every day for breakfast!

What has surprised you most about working at Lingwood Security Management?

The perception that most people have about Security companies and Security Officers and how little they are valued or perceived. I think it surprised me learning how important the Security Industry is in keeping every single person safe whilst going about their every day life and what a vital part all Security roles play.

What do you find most challenging about your work?

Managing different personalities and keeping up with ever changing technology and systems

What’s the best/worst thing to happen since you started working at Lingwood Security Management?

The best thing is my confidence has grown and Lingwood Security has had a huge part into the person I am today. I have grown up with Lingwood Security as I  been with the company since I was 17 years old. It has made me hard working, motivated and determined to succeed in every aspect of life. Nothing has been the worst I have had an excellent 13 years with the company.

If you could change one thing about Lingwood Security Management, what would it be?

Nothing about Lingwood Security. I do wish we could change people’s perception on security and show the world how important have the right security company can save people mountains of time, energy and money!

What interesting characters have you worked with at Lingwood Security Management?

All of them! Each person I have worked with in the office have taught me different skills. If it wasn’t for each manager in this office I would never be where I am today they have all spend a lot of time and energy teaching me what they know about the business. I like to think I have a great relationship with the operatives and every person I speak to I find interesting and grateful for them for their part in the growth and success of the company.

What do you think will change at Lingwood Security Management over the next five years, or in the industry as a whole?

The plan we are working on will see a huge growth with Lingwood Security, we are expanding very fast into the rail industry and learning everything there is about providing security to our rail infrastructure. We are looking to invite and progress further managers and supervisors from within giving some great career paths for those who want it. The private security industry is an exciting and growing industry and due to the current climate, I think people are now realising how important the industry is as a whole so there is bright and exciting future for Lingwood Security.

If you weren’t working at Lingwood Security Management, what would you be doing instead, or what would your life be like?


How would someone describe you?

Overthinker, busy, stresshead!
Hopefully kind and supportive.

What do you do when you aren’t working?

DJ or running events.