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Lauren Orchard

Lauren Orchard

Screening and Vetting Administrator

I carry out all the screening and vetting of the guards who are brought onboard, carrying out checks and verifying their 5-year work history to ensure we are in line with the British Standard we follow as an ACS accredited company.

Along with this I help monitor training and stock, as well as creating regular dashboards for some of our big clients like Network Rail and Govia.

How did you first get involved with Lingwood Security Management?

I first heard about the company through the Kickstart Scheme via the job centre. They had a few openings for opportunities within the company so I applied and was successful! After the scheme ended, the company decided to keep me on and I am still here 3 years later!!

What was your first impression of Lingwood Security Management?

Everyone was very friendly and welcoming.  I could tell they were a close knit group which made being new quite daunting but they made sure I was always included and never felt left out.

What’s your first memory of working at Lingwood Security Management?

Memorising everyone’s brews, then trying to balance them on a tray through the office doors!!

What has surprised you most about working at Lingwood Security Management?

Honestly how much I enjoy the job, I never thought I would enjoy working in an office or even the security industry so much!

What do you find most challenging about your work?

Time management, my workload can change overnight so trying to balance everything can be tricky.

What’s the best/worst thing to happen since you started working at Lingwood Security Management?

I’ve definitely grown in confidence since starting, I’m still not the loudest of people but they have definitely helped me to grow and learn.

If you could change one thing about Lingwood Security Management, what would it be?

How big some people think the office is! We are a relatively small team meaning some things may take a little longer but we will always make sure to resolve any issues that arise.

What interesting characters have you worked with at Lingwood Security Management?

Everyone! Being a close knit group, you get to know everyone well and each person has made me laugh at one time or another.

What do you think will change at Lingwood Security Management over the next five years, or in the industry as a whole?

I think it can only grow! The security industry as a whole only keeps growing with more attention on safety for the public and protection of companies assets and knowing the service we provide I think we will go on and win bigger and bigger contracts. 

If you weren’t working at Lingwood Security Management, what would you be doing instead, or what would your life be like?

I can’t imagine not working for the company, but if I had to guess I would like to think I worked in a bakery maybe or somewhere in the psychology field. I’ve always been interested in how the mind works and what can affect that. 

How would someone describe you?

Quiet and friendly. I’m quite introverted but once I get to know people I open up. That or the one who ruins everyone’s diets by bringing in baked goods to share!!

What do you do when you aren’t working?

I like baking and reading, or just relaxing at home.