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Heather Corcoran

Heather Corcoran

Finance Manager

Head hunted back in 2007, Heather came from a predominantly administration background. Her excellent communication and organisational skills has seen her progress through Lingwood Security, from all HR matters including planning, monitoring and appraisal of all employee work results carried out by the Operations Management Team, to Training and Management of all systems and processes with the Administration Team. She deals with resolving grievances, counselling and career development of employees and supervisors.

Her keen eye for detail ensures that our invoicing and payroll programmes are updated properly and she trains all staff in the use of this system. Providing full support to the Directors and General Manager she oversees the smooth running of the day to day office duties.

How did you first get involved with Lingwood Security Management?

I was poached! After working with Jo for about 10 years plus at the Visitor office, she called me one day with a lame excuse that she needed help with a spreadsheet, an interview with Alan Snr & Alan Jnr which I was late for at the then Grove Restaurant in Morecambe and the rest they say is history.

What was your first impression of Lingwood Security Management?

Back when I started we were a small team and was treated as one of the family –  a close knit team and that remains to this day – 17 years later.

What’s your first memory of working at Lingwood Security Management?

Being thrown in at the deep end with a disciplinary meeting which I had never done before.

What has surprised you most about working at Lingwood Security Management?

Nothing surprises me anymore!

What do you find most challenging about your work?

Not having enough hours in the day to get it all done!

What’s the best/worst thing to happen since you started working at Lingwood Security Management?

I’ve worked in every department and done most roles, so it’s a blessing and a curse as I know most things about our business, which makes me a go-to!

If you could change one thing about Lingwood Security Management, what would it be?

I don’t think I would change anything as for me it is testament to Lingwood Security and what a great place it is to work even still after 17 years.

What interesting characters have you worked with at Lingwood Security Management?

Oh, too many to mention

If you weren’t working at Lingwood Security Management, what would you be doing instead, or what would your life be like?

I’d probably be a crazy dog woman with 100 pooches.

How would someone describe you?

Knowledgeable about our business, thorough, organised to a fashion and not bad with figures! 

What do you do when you aren’t working?

Spending time with the fam and my beloved pooch.