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Gary Robinson

Gary Robinson


I’m currently working between the operations and recruitment departments, whilst also liaising with clients for guarding requirements to assist the operations team with the smooth running of guard deployment.

How did you first get involved with Lingwood Security Management?

Through the post-covid government work scheme – I was approached by a work coach with the opportunity and applied as I remembered seeing Lingwood signage in the local area, and knew it would be a good opportunity.

What was your first impression of Lingwood Security Management?

Depends which one! I remember seeing the big “warning” signage in the local area when I was younger, surprised I never tested the response time.

What’s your first memory of working at Lingwood Security Management?

Lauren and I were set a task on one of my first days, to check and archive all of the leavers for 2020… it took quite a while but was also a great teambuilding exercise! I did get a papercut though…

What has surprised you most about working at Lingwood Security Management?

The variety of people and how much work goes into supplying guarding for clients.

What do you find most challenging about your work?

The last-minute jobs, where you’ve been working solidly all day, to have a requirement dropped on you at ten to 5…

What’s the best/worst thing to happen since you started working at Lingwood Security Management?

The best thing to happen was likely having the opportunity to work in the control room supporting the operations team. I still remember Craig suggesting it and everyone being so supportive of the idea.

What do you do when you aren’t working?
