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Zero Discrimination Day 2023

The 1st of March every year marks Zero Discrimination Day, highlighting the right to live a healthy, full and productive life, with dignity. Created in 2013 by UNAIDS Director Michael Sidibé, the campaign is designed to celebrate people and promote their right to live freely, irrespective of gender, race, religion, colour, nationality, sexuality, disability, and profession.

Discrimination is essentially a human rights violation and should be challenged wherever it is demonstrated, in personal and professional life. Rooted in fear and misinformation, we stand in solidarity with those who experience discrimination, and want to do our part to advocate for fairness and equality for all.

Lingwood Security has recently been awarded the International Diversity and Inclusion Award for the second year running. We pride ourselves on our diverse and inclusive workforce, treating them with respect and support regardless of gender, belief, religion, race, colour, nationality, sexuality, disability, and any other differences. We hope to continue our work with this award for many years to come and look forward to how we can continue to improve our work on this subject.