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Congratulations Ian – 20 Years on the Team

On Friday 2nd October, the Lingwood Security Management team were proud to celebrate Ian Gourlay reaching a milestone of 20 years working for the company.

The office team went out for a meal to the Italian Orchard where they reminisced over the many amusing and often challenging situations that Ian has been involved in during his career.

Ian originally started working with Alan Lingwood on the doors of Morecambe, where they were involved in providing security services to a number of key local venues.

As the business has grown over the years, into one of the UK’s leading security providers, so Ian has grown with the company, taking on more responsibility and ensuring our high standards are maintained across all jobs.

Speaking about his career at Lingwood Security, Ian said: “I’m always amazed when I sit back and reflect on what’s happened during my time here. It’s great to see how big the company has got and the exciting challenges that each new job brings. I thoroughly enjoy my work and the company is going from strength to strength. Unfortunately it has been at the expense of my hair! I’ve worked with some fantastic characters over the years, far too many to name here, but I’d like to thank all the staff for 20 great years and here’s to many more.”

When asked to describe himself in three words, Ian replied ‘honest and fair’. This sums Ian up perfectly. He’s a hard worker and very driven. He’s been an integral part of the business and been instrumental in its growth.

Speaking at the meal, Alan Lingwood, Director, said: “It’s been an absolute pleasure working with Ian this last 20 years. He has been around so long he’s practically part of the furniture. Here’s to the next 20 years working together – let’s hope he’s worked out how to use a computer by then!”

Ian and his now wife Debbie recently eloped to Gretna Green on 25th September to get married after many happy years together, so the occasion was a double celebration. Ian and Debbie were presented with a weekend stay at Armathwaite Hall on behalf of the company and we wish them all the very best.