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Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, an annual event run by The Mental Health Foundation. The theme for 2020 is kindness.

Mental health problems can affect anyone, at any time. Lingwood Security Management believe that mental health is everyone’s business, which is why we wholeheartedly support this campaign each year.

Since the first Mental Health Awareness Week in 2001, the campaign has raised awareness of topics like body image, stress and relationships. The campaign reaches millions of people every year.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Why kindness?

The world is an uncertain place right now. In the grip of a pandemic that is completely different to anything we have experienced before. One thing the Foundation believes is that kindness is prevailing in uncertain times; amid the fear, there is also community, support and hope.

The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing. It can help reduce stress and improve your emotional wellbeing.

Life expectancy is falling for the poorest for the first time in 100 years. As child poverty rises, children and young people in the poorest parts of our country are two to three times more likely to experience poor mental health than those in the richest. 

After the 2008 credit crunch it was the most vulnerable in our communities who experienced the severest consequences of austerity, with devastating effects on their mental and physical health. This not the hallmark of a kind society. 

Kindness could transform our schools, places of work, communities and families. Let’s shape a society that tips the balance in favour of good mental health, for all of us, but especially for those who are most vulnerable.  

How can Lingwood Security Help?

Our staff portal has a dedicated section for mental health support, with lots of useful content and guidance for anybody looking for support

At Lingwood Security Management, we have an open door policy to all our staff when it comes to discussing issues of any kind.

Our staff portal has a dedicated section for mental health support, with lots of useful content and guidance for anybody looking for support.

The portal also includes discounts and offers, which are part of our commitment to giving something back to the staff who work so hard for the business.

For any staff who may be experiencing mental health issues, please speak to your line manager or contact head office.