For security assistance, or to request a quote, please call: 01524 852275

Uniform and PPE

At Lingwood Security Management, we place heavy emphasis on the appearance of our staff.

We firmly believe that our staff should always be smartly dressed, wearing appropriate uniform, ensuring they are easily recognisable and be proud to represent both our business and yours.

Uniform is a key part of any enforcement role, as it sets the individual apart from the general public, immediately establishes that they have a position of authority in a given scenario/area, and allows people to quickly identify them as a point of contact.

Instant Recognition

In an emergency security situation, people need help to quickly determine the right person to go to. We ensure that our staff are in uniform so that it’s easy to recognise the person to alert or speak to.

Peace of Mind

When our Security Officers are visible and in uniform, your employees and customers are naturally reassured by their presence.

Visible Deterrent

One of our Officers in uniform on location provides a strong deterrent for crime or criminal activities. An officer in plain clothes would not provide the same warning or deterrent.

Pride and Belonging

When a member of staff puts on the Lingwood Security uniform, we want them to feel a sense of pride in their own presentation, and also to feel proud that they represent a company that has an established and strong reputation in the UK security sector.


The presentation and professionalism of our staff is of the utmost importance as they are representing you and your business. Your employees and customers will naturally perceive our Security Officers to be an extension of your business, therefore it is vital that they convey the right message at all times.

It is clear that appearance and uniform are vital elements of a security force for all of the reasons outlined above. Lingwood Security Management officers are always proud of their presentation, and we place heavy emphasis on the appearance of our staff at all times.

Contact us on 0845 450 5830 to find out more about how we can help you maintain security around the clock.