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UVDB Verify Audit Success

Lingwood Security Management are delighted to announce that once again we have passed our UVDB Verify audit with Achilles.

UVDB VerifiedThis is a vital part of our portfolio of accreditations when it comes to tendering for security projects with large companies. The list below gives an example of the types of companies who look for this accreditation when selecting a security supplier, and we are proud to already be working with several of them on a long term basis.

The Verify Category audit includes two elements; a management system evaluation (MSE) and a visit to a working site. Thomas Docherty, our General Manager, was responsible for preparing for the audit and managed the process from start to finish, including handling the site visit from the auditor, Gary Bolton.

Both elements of the audit are evidence based, while the site visit additionally included observations by the auditor, together with interviews with our staff to ascertain their awareness and understanding of the management system controls and requirements.

Speaking following the successful outcome of the audit, General Manager, Thomas Docherty said: “I am delighted to see us once again pass the UVDB Audit. The team have worked hard over the past 12 months to maintain and raise standards throughout all aspects of our customer service. We are constantly reviewing policies and procedures to ensure we deliver the best possible service in the most efficient way to our clients. I’m very much looking forward to the coming year ahead and implementing further improvements to our management systems.”

Background to UVDB

The utilities market is fast moving, subject to ever more stringent regulation and new technologies. UVDB is the utility industry pre-qualification system used across the UK. Working closely with key buying organizations in the sector, this community helps them achieve the highest standards of supply chain assurance.

Speaking about the verification process, Jay Katzen, CEO, Achilles, said: “We believe insight really does beat hindsight. We work in partnership with our customers to improve business performance and sustainability by raising standards across their business and supply chain.”

UVDB Buyer Member List